The Friendly Dimension C20 is now available, I couldn't be happier with the way these turned out. NZ-022 Edition of 50 on clear red cassettes. 6 songs from Troy Richter (ex:Gilbert Switzer) and Zach Fairbrother (Omon-ra). These are available now for mailorder and will be available from the band shortly.
The Friendly Dimension myspace
side A:
Just your game
Hard to Choose
Side B:
Dojo Walk
House on highland avenue (Gun Club cover)
I have just uploaded a new track from the upcoming WASTED NYMPH C20, you can listen to it on the myspace page. Also available now is the third run of The Pink Noise - Gilded Flowers. 50 pink tapes with watercoloured labels. I am also happy to announce the next couple of releases, PIG - MAGNETIC C26 (Truro, NS) will be available mid-october, as well as a later tape release from WARM HANDS (Columbus, Ohio). Soon, a new C20 from HOLY COBRAS (Ottawa) on October 3rd, as well as the release of REFLEKTIONSS - MOVEMENT (Vancouver)
13 Animal Full Body Puppets Ideas
2 years ago